Student Resources

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SoCo Cyber Programs:


Grades K – 5


Grades 6 to 12
Core Content Classes


Grades 9 – 12
High School Electives


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math facts


health science

(click below for .PDF form)

    Health Science 100 V3


An anonymous tip line to keep our schools safe.

You may also submit a tip by calling 1-844-SAF2SAY or 1-844-723-2729

It’s Okay to Ask for Help

Crisis Resources:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

Crisis Text Line: Text ‘Help’ to 741741

Columbia County Residents Local Crisis Line: 1-800-222-9016

Northumberland County Residents Local Crisis Line: 1-855-313-4387


Dating Violence/Domestic Violence Resources:

National Domestic Violence Helpline: 1-800-799-7233

National Sexual Assault Helpline: 1-800-656-4673

National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline: 1-866-331-9474

Teen Dating Abuse Text: Text “loveis” to 22522

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Resources:

PA Drug and Alcohol Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP

Columbia County Residents Local Helpline: 570-275-4962

Northumberland County Residents Local Helpline: 570-495-2040 

Other Resources:

LGBTQ+ Youth Hotline: 1-800-246-7743

National Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-800-931-2237

National Alliance on Mental Health: 1-800-950-6264

Teen Line: 1-800-852-8336 or Text ‘Teen’ to 839863

If you are experiencing an emergency, dial 911 or go directly to your local Emergency Room.

*You can download a copy of the above list of resources by clicking this link.

SCA Homeless/Foster Care Information & Resources:

*Education for Homeless Youth:

*Southern Columbia Area S.D. Procedures for ECYEH Enrollment – Click HERE to view

*General Guide to PA’s Education for Children & Youth Experiencing Homelessness Program Click HERE to view.

*County Resources - Click HERE to view.

*Homeless Enrollment Complaint Form - Click HERE to view.

*Finding Your Way to PA App - Click HERE to view.

*Homeless Information for School-Age Youth Poster - Click HERE to view.

* For information from Pennsylvania Dept. of Education, click on the following link: Education/Pages/default.aspx#tab-1

*Restorative Practices - ARP-HCY Pennsylvania Resources - Click HERE to view.

*Education for Homeless Youth - Click HERE to view.

Homeless Education. Pennsylvania’s Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Program was established to make sure homeless youth have access to a free and appropriate public education while removing barriers that homeless children face.

Web Resources for Elementary Students:

The American Library Association (ALA) has a list of sites that can be a great help for any homework assignment in history, math, social sciences, art, literature, science and many more subjects. Click the big “Search” button to search the sites chosen by the ALA. is a portal to government and kids’ sites and has links to homework helpers and other reference sites.

BJ Pinchbeck’s Homework Helper has links to more than 700 homework helping sites. Resources are categorized by subject, such as Art/Music, English, Science and Foreign Languages. BJ also has a particularly useful section on search engines so you can eventually do your own searches.

Educational Sites for Elementary Students

Internet Safety for Elementary Students

Web Resources for Middle School Students

Fact Monster’s Homework Center is a great reference for all your subjects. Look for maps, important documents, timelines and information about cities, population, government structure and funny laws.

KidsClick! has an extensive list of online history and geography resources, including links to biographies of famous people. Browse the online index by topic. Under each link, KidsClick! helps you decide if the link is right for you by telling you the reading level of the material and whether there are pictures.

TravelPod has a fun, fast-paced geography game that quizzes students on world capitals. Browse the list of other challenges for quizzes on U.S. capitals and popular cities, “Flags of the World” and more.

Kaboose Funschool offers several challenging games that test your understanding of social studies topics. Most of the games focus on geography, so hopefully you’ve been keeping up in school.

Quizlet is an online flashcard site. Become a member for free and then enter vocabulary words or other flashcard material into the site; Quizlet then makes flashcards and generates tests to help you learn new material. is the place to go for fast answers. More than 200 experts volunteer to assist students with their homework every day. Simply post your question and one or more certified teachers will respond, sometimes as soon as within an hour. There’s also a Search feature for finding a specific topic and an extensive reference section with helpful links.

Web Resources for High School Students

  • Google Student Blog– this blog site is a great resource for students who use Google’s products. It includes information, updates, how-to’s, tips, and much more on how to use Google’s applications as a student.

  • Scribblar– online meeting room / white board. Students can use it to collaborate on projects and to work on homework assignments together.

  • Evernote– free resource that allows you to easily capture information using whatever device or operating system you use. It then makes this information accessible and searchable from anywhere.

  • Dropbox– a service that allows you to sync your files on your computer with their system as a backup. This also allows you to access the files anywhere. You can also sync the files across multiple computers.

  • e-Learners– vast collection of web resources ranging from from Math help to time management.

  • Google Scholar– Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.

Direct Links to Useful Middle School and High School Student Sites

Career Planning

ACT Test Prep – Sample tests, tips, and other information from ACT, Inc.

College Answer – A wealth of information for students and parents. Includes information on preparing for standardized tests, selecting a college, financing a college education, submitting the FAFSA, and other topics. From Sallie Mae, Inc. A few sections of this site, like the Scholarship Search, require you to log in or register. – From the association that brings you the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, and AP programs. This site guides you through the college search, offers SAT registration and prep online. SAT – A full-length SAT practice test and scoring guide.

Online Test Page – Free SAT and ACT practice tests and drills.

Vocabulary: Most important SAT Words – Crossword and other puzzles to help you master vocabulary for the SAT. A sure way to increase your vocabulary regardless of whether you are apathetic, motivated, complacent, diligent, sanguine, reticent, loquacious, taciturn…

FAFSA on the Web – U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid online. Includes information on aid and online applications.

It All Adds Up – A site for teens who want to get ahead in their financial future. Online games and simulations to learn about topics like buying a car, saving and investing, and paying for college. Developed by the National Council on Economic Education.

RWM Vocational School Database – Lists post-secondary vocational schools in all 50 states.

U.S. News.Com Education – A very useful source for students selecting a college or university.

Guide to Paying for Online Colleges– This resource outlines the different types of aid available to online students, including scholarships, loans, and other types of higher educational funds.

Student Survey-“Paper vs Online” – 2016 7th-11th Grade Survey to share their thoughts are about “paper & pencil” tests vs “online” testing. 

Copyright Friendly Image and Music Sites for Students