The Class of 2023 now officially has three 1,000-point scorers in Girls Basketball. Pictured, from left to right, are Ava Novak, Alli Griscavage, and Loren Gehret. Novak’s milestone came earlier in this year’s regular season at home against Mount Carmel Area. Griscavage hit the mark in the opening round of the PIAA Class 2A playoffs last year at home in a win over Elk Lake. Gehret made her history in the final home regular season game this season in a victory over Shikellamy. On two different occasions, two classmates topped the mark on the Boys side and once before on the Girls side. This is the first time that a trio has done it at SCA. Remarkably, it is only the second time this century that three players from the same graduating class accomplished the milestone throughout all of District 4.

1,000 Point Scorers
February 17, 2023