7th Grade Students of the Month

7th Grade Students of the Month: 

Yanqiu Chen is the geography student of the Month. She is an outstanding student who is exceptionally prepared for class and always participates. She has a terrific work ethic and is always kind and respectful to others. She is polite, well behaved and comes to class with a positive attitude and is ready to learn. Yanqiu is a standout role model for other students in Southern Columbia Middle School. 

Josh Knoebel is a phenomenal student and classmate in science class. He comes to class prepared, focused, and eager to learn every day. Josh participates in class, completes assignments in a timely manner, and does very high-quality work. He is always willing to help other students, include others, and take the lead during groupwork and labs. 

Grady Garcia is the student of the month for ELA. Grady is a shining example of our SOCO STAR qualities. Grady works to his fullest capacity in all of his academic work, and he is always helpful and kind to his classmates. He epitomizes resilience as he does not shy away from challenges, rather he embraces them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Olivia Jones is the student of the month for Math! She is a fantastic student and classmate in our class. She comes to class with a willingness to learn. She gets along well with others and is very productive with her math work. She is a great problem solver and is motivated to succeed. Olivia always has a smile on her face and is a pleasure to work with.