7th Grade Students of the Month for January

Sam Devan - Math 

Sam is the most conscientious student.  He has self-control and is always a good citizen when it comes to helping his peers.   

Ava Cole - ELA 

Ava may be overlooked at times because of her quiet demeanor. However, she truly stands out among her peers for her commitment to excellence, resilience in struggles (this girl injured her arm, but typed out her reading logs and still submitted thorough responses in a timely manner!), and respect for everyone she encounters. Ava is consistently kind and self-advocates when she needs help. She is an excellent example of what a Soco STAR looks like. 

Garrett Lazicki - Science 

Garrett is a very hard worker, helpful classmate, and respectful young man. He always strives to do his best and makes the students around him better. Garrett has a great sense of humor and is such a pleasure to have in our science class. He exhibits our SoCo STARS qualities every day! 

Cayden Noblit - Geography 

Cayden is responsible and a hard worker. He is an outstanding student who always has his work done and is prepared for class. Cayden is friendly and kind to everyone and is involved in many extra-curricular activities in school. He is a great role model for other students. 
