The 6th Grade students who earned the 3rd Marking Period Celebration for their good behavior participated in a Kickball Tournament. In the championship game, Team Inequality defeated Team TDA in walk-off fashion by a score of 7-6. Team Nonfiction beat Team Equation 7-5 in the consolation game. Team members of the championship winning team, pictured from left to right, are Izzy Long, Serenity Eugster-Stanfill, Brenna Thomas, Jacey Webster, Kaylee Shingara, Addison Wittig, Gavin Trometter, Jackson Koch, Noah Hockenbroch, Dallas Brandon, and Joey Katch. Despite not winning the title, the teachers voted Addison Evans from Team TDA as the tournament's MVP.

Kickball Kingpins
May 3, 2023