SOCO Stars

The 7th Grade Staff at Southern Columbia Middle School proudly presents their SOCO STARS of the month: Math - Aaron Yuskalis Aaron is a hard worker and truly cares about his performance. He has great manners and is eager to succeed. Aaron communicates well in class and uses his time wisely. He is making significant progress in class and possesses a great attitude. Aaron is a wonderful example of a SOCO STAR! Geography - Ethan Mika Ethan has been a stellar student in geography all year long. He is always prepared for class, tests, and quizzes. He consistently and quickly makes up work when he is absent. He is friendly and kind to others and has a great sense of humor. He is helpful, well-behaved, and he serves as a role model for other students. Science - Isabella Hoffman Isabella is an outstanding student and classmate. She always has a positive attitude and is willing to help others. Isabella consistently performs at a high level on assessments, projects, and lab activities. She recently volunteered to present to her class for Heart Awareness Month in honor of her brother, who has a congenital heart defect. Isabella is a great role model for her peers and an excellent example of what it means to be a SOCO STAR! ELA - Alexandrea Picarella Alexandra is an exceptionally hard-working student and a positive role model. She completes her work thoroughly and on time, and she follows classroom procedures consistently. She is helpful and encouraging to other students in the class, and she is able to communicate well with all of her classmates. Alexandra is a wonderful example of a SOCO STAR!