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Jenna Baker (Freshman)

Jenna has made a 360 degree transformation this school year.  She is a kind, mature young lady who is not swayed by the behaviors of her peers.  She always makes the right decisions even when it may not be popular.  She often sticks up for her peers who feel that cannot stick up for themselves. She is friendly to everyone she encounters and shows great enthusiasm for everything she does. Jenna has shown exceptional growth and maturity over the past year and should be commended for positive decision making. 


Andrew Sharrow (Sophomore)

Andrew is an eager learner who participates in class, asks great questions, and is willing to help his peers when needed.  He consistently hard working and takes great pride in his academic achievements.  Andrew is not only a smart young person, but he also seems very outgoing and associates well with others.  He treats others with respect, and in turn, earns it from his peers and the faculty. 


Jacob Davis (Junior)

Jacob is helpful, hard-working, and has a positive attitude daily. Jacob is a reserved and polite student who is well-respected student.  He is responsible and mature, not joining in with class disruptions of others.  Jacob faithfully takes the initiative to do well in his classes.  He is an excellent student who actively participates in classroom discussion.  He helps his classmates and tries his best. Jacob consistently exhibits humility and care for others. 


Cailee Davis (Senior)

Cailee goes out of her way and gives everything she has to excel in all aspects of her life. Cailee always maintains her composure, focus, and commitment to her schoolwork by consistently achieving at the highest levels. Not only is she a dedicated and hardworking student, but she also displays her kindness and sense of community by giving back through her involvement in extra curriculars. Cailee is one of those individuals that attacks everything she takes on with a 100% effort and a commitment to be the best while remaining humble and kind.