61 FBLA students competed at regionals yesterday. So far, 39 members have qualified to attend the state leadership conference in Hershey in April. Pictured are some of the winners. 1st place - Isaac Carter, Aiden Corrigan, and Landon Ferrara (Hospitality and Event Management) - Maddison Yost (Intro to Business Concepts) - Madalyn LeVan (Intro to Business Procedures) - Aidyn McHale (Intro to Parliamentary Procedure) - Amanda Strocko (Broadcast Journalism) 2nd place - Molli Petro (Agribusiness) - Milind Kapidiya (Computer Problem Solving) - Chase Compton (Help Desk) - Isabelle Baylor, Makayla Baylor, and Vivien Miller (Intro to Event Planning) - Joanna Chen (Intro to Financial Math) - Daniel Marzeski (Organizational Leadership) - Andrew Sharrow (Public Policy and Advocacy) - Gavin Krebs (Sports and Entertainment Management) - Kylie Leck and Alana Reuter (Intro to Social Media Strategies) - Quinn Johnston (Job Interview) 3rd Place - Ryter McCoog (Business Calculations) - Trent Conway (Entrepreneurship) - Ryan Crable (Insurance and Risk Management) - Todd Brosius (UX Design) 4th place - Addison Charnosky (Business Communications) - Brett Lyons (Cyber Security) - Herbert Winter (Economics) - Ethan Rush (Intro to FBLA) - Jenna Billig (Marketing) - Conlan Kaczmarek (Networking Infrastructure) - Maxwell Kehler (Public Policy and Advocacy) - Seth Hummel (Securities and Investments) 5th - Jon Patterson (Agribusiness) - Morgan Waugh (Health Care Administration) - Ethan Rush (Help Desk) - Aiden Brown (Journalism) - Dylan Stine (Securities and Investments) - Elizabeth Hodder (Supply Chain Management) - Ariana Bernard (UX Design)
Best in Business
January 9, 2024