Third grade students from Mrs. Spotts' and Mrs. Stone's classes created shadowboxes highlighting Pennsylvania's regions and history for Social Studies.
Bingo is their Thingo!
Bingo is their Thingo!
We are unsure of what is happening at G.C. Hartman Elementary today, but the staff and students appear to have aged tremendously overnight. (It's "Think Ahead Thursday" as part of Homecoming Spirit Week!)
Things got a little wacky on Wednesday in the Southern Columbia Area School District.
Mrs. Hockenbroch's 1st grade class brought their class pet, Teddy, into their KidWriting! Teddy the hamster rolled around while students observed him and wrote about him!
Students and staff across the district have had fun participating in Homecoming Spirit Week. Yesterday was "Tourist Tuesday" and today is "Wacky Wednesday." We can't wait to see these outfits...
Students had some pattern block fun in Mrs. Sharrow's Kindergarten classroom on Friday.
Mrs. Gessner’s Kindergarten class reviewed bus safety today, made a bus craft, and enjoyed a bus treat!
Next week is Homecoming Spirit Week. The week will provide your child with an opportunity to have fun with five different dress-up days. A flyer with each day's events for Elementary and Middle School is attached.
The Southern Columbia Area High School would like to announce homecoming festivities for the High School.
On Friday, September 16, the football team will take on Lewisburg Area at 7:00 PM at Tiger Stadium. The homecoming king and queen will be crowned prior to kickoff at 6:45 pm.
Homecoming festivities continue Saturday September 17 with the boys’ soccer team taking on Shamokin Area at 11:00 AM and the girls field hockey team taking on Forbes Road at 2:00 PM. Both games are at Tiger Stadium.
The homecoming dance will take place Saturday night.
Please see the attached flyer for information about a virtual tutoring opportunity through the United Way in a partnership with Bucknell University and Susquehanna University.
Order your child's yearbook at its lowest price of the year at the link below. Just search G.C. Hartman Elementary School, Southern Columbia Middle School, or Southern Columbia Area High School and follow the instructions to place your order today.
Kindergarteners in Mrs. Sharrow’s class gave a thumbs up to the first week of school!
Kindergarteners in Mrs. Sharrow’s class gave a thumbs up to the first week of school!
Second graders in Miss Merook's room completed a cooperation activity displaying the need for one another. The activity was based on the poem "The Crayon Box that Talked."
Hometown Ticketing
Southern Columbia is excited to give their fans this convenient purchase option, where they will be able to either print-at-home or use mobile entry tickets for safe, no-touch redemption at the gate. Tickets purchased online can also be easily shared with family and friends via text!
A student pass will allow your child to attend every sporting event at Southern Columbia. Playoffs will not be part of this package. There is no Athletic Pass for Student/Athletes.
Download the HomeTown Ticketing Fan app
Click on season pass.
For student pass click on digital passcode.
The digital passcode should be the students lunch passcode.
When entering the student’s information please use their SCA email address.
Tickets for single games are on sale now.
Senior citizens that have their passes will not need to use HomeTown Ticketing.
Parents and Guardians don't forget to download the SCASD Mobile App for your smartphone to keep up to date on what is happening in the school district. Click on the following YouTube link to learn more.
Fourth grade students used chalk art to do a summer send-off this morning as they move from the Elementary School to the Middle School.
SCA teachers and staff showed unity and Tiger Pride by wearing their "Different Stripes, Same Tiger" t-shirts to school today. The shirts were designed and distributed by S.A.V.E. Club.