Guidance Services

Mr. Chad Romig

Developmental Guidance Lessons have become an integral part of the Responsive Classroom model used at G.C. Hartman Elementary. Mr. Romig implements classroom lessons at all grade levels. The use of interactive exercises, videos, and other activities enliven the program. Topics discussed include social skills (manners, appropriate classroom behavior, etc.), feelings awareness and empathy, anger management, conflict resolution, and responsibility.

Individual Short-Term Counseling may be requested by a parent, teacher, or the student him/herself. Short-term, individual 20–30-minute sessions will be conducted. Usually, no more than 3 or 4 sessions will be held to address the given issues. If the identified needs show little or no improvement, a referral for out-of-school counseling may be suggested to the parent.

Small Groups: At the elementary level, it is very important to implement small groups. Small groups are ran by Mr. Romig and/or Miss Maize, the district’s Prevention Specialist. Small groups typically have 5-8 students in them and are students who have similar needs (social, emotional, anger concerns, etc.). Additionally, small groups typically meet once a rotation and lasts for 6-8 weeks. If you feel your child would benefit from a small group, please email or call Mr. Romig.

Consultation: Mr. Romig is the consultant to outside agencies such as WrapAround services, physicians, and other counselors or therapists. Should communication be necessary between school and one of these agencies, you will be asked to sign a Permission to Release Information form. If you are aware of this need, please give notice at least a few days prior to your child’s appointment.

Please do not ever hesitate to reach out to Mr. Romig with any concerns, questions, etc.

"Kind words cost nothing"

“Be somebody who makes everybody feel like somebody”

“There’s no losing, only learning. There’s no failure, only opportunity. There’s no problems, only solutions”

Click here to view the District’s Chapter 339 Plan

Commonly Used Forms